Monday, August 31, 2009

A Scary Thought

When you are the only “young adult member who has technology experience,” you can get asked to do a lot of things. None of which have been more difficult than the decision I have been asked to make recently. I have been asked to be on the Trustees Committee. They are seeking a young person who has technology experience as they plan to expand much of the current technology within the church. I am already active as a Tech Team member as well as one of the Senior High Youth Group leaders. The major concern I have is this: When asked for advice on which direction we should go as a church, will I be able to give them the correct advice? Everyone I've talked to seems to think yes, but I still wonder how they can say yes while I am still stuck on no.

One of the things I have been reading about on other Tech Guys' blogs is that confidence is something you must have in order to succeed in leading anything. It's odd that my career skills leave me questioning my confidence while leading Senior High kids doesn't.

When making any decision, I always turn to my Voice of Reason...Mrs. Tech Guy. She has always been good about quizzing my on why I want to do this or that. She is immensely helpful in figuring out whether something is worthwhile or not. She immediately said no. Her reasons were due to the amount of time in the term. It's a 3-year commitment. We simply don't know what we'll be doing in 3 years. We have our own goals, but anyone who works for the Lord knows that making your own schedule and thinking He's going to follow is only kidding themselves.

I did all the research about what a Trustee member is and does. I even interviewed one of the current Trustees members to see what their future plans are. To my horror, everything they are planning on doing involved technology. By horror, I don't mean keep technology out of the church or don't add any more technology. I say, Bring It On! My horror is that if I don't accept the nomination to the Trustees Committee, they may make decisions about technology that I will later question, or worse, gripe about. Nothing is worse to a Tech Guy than having a technology decision handed to you that not only doesn't work, but one that you are expected to make work. Might as well be on the committee that makes all those decisions, right?

In the end, after weighing several things I haven't mentioned here, I feel like I should accept this nomination and see where it takes me. I may not even get voted on for all I know. One of the things I have learned (again, mind you) while pondering this decision is that I spent far too much of my time thinking about what I wanted to do instead of what God wants me to do. I need to just let go and let God.

We'll see what He has in store for me. I just hope it isn't too rough. Sail on and God-speed!